Out Now
Pulitzer Prize Nominated
Beautifully crafted poetry and prose. Taking us journeying into midnight shadows, flashings of day and night, where owls speak, faeries dance, myths become reality and we disappear into the mesmerizing lives of those who live within, those who hear and those who understand! Come into a world where the white owl sings and the speaker dreams in candles, as the sunlight shapes the moon
Did I stumble or Did I jump
Fabulous New Book
Out Now
The merry go round, turns and turns until you get pushed for someone else to ride or you jump, the choice is always yours.
Ride with consciousness and choose what you want and when
Poetry and Prose, just thoughts tumbling, from who knows where.
To anyone who may read my words, please know I come from a place of questing for answers, sending love from my soul, that everyone can find and live their true self.
Jump into change or the universe will push you for your highest good.
Everyday breathe deeply and slowly, quieten your mind and listen to what you soul wants not what your heart desires or demands, shake loose from the program that you had dictated to you when you were a child. Free yourself from the reigns of others, pulling you this way and that.
You have the freedom of choice and you can change your life and its direction at any moment, know this is you one darling life, live it your way.
Be Free in yourself, dance sing, laugh, twirl find what makes YOU come alive and follow that passion wherever it leads.
I hope that you can help protect our wonderful Earth Mother for all living beings, I am grateful everyday for the beauty and life she allows to all of us.
Sending Love, Light and Healing always.
Loz xxx
It's Only Lilac
Beautiful Poetry
Out now
Moving from the excruciating pain of not knowing to the freedom of believing in my own unique power.
The journey of illness, entrenched in a society that judges and condemns without understanding, surrounds us all in fear. Taking back my control over my body, my life, my souls right to live and or die how I choose, is the light, the power, suffused with darkness, that waits for all of us to claim, our birth right - light.
Where free is the highest power.
Finding the power we were all born with, the universal power that we all have within is the present prize. We are stardust, we are endless and we are our own powerhouse of creativity, love and delight.
This book contains writing of fear, darkness, control, loss, belief, understanding, living, joy, happiness, despair, grow with the endless journey in gratitude for being alive with love and so very much more. The name came to me in a flash! then I chose a random folder from the many in my bookshelf of my unpublished poems and the first page I opened was the poem - it’s just lilac - the universe had spoken and here we are!
My dedication to all
I promise to always strive to be better, by being open every day to the new and unlimited learning that is in my heart, mind, emotions. body and soul. To loving myself exactly as I am, yet always looking to be open to the fathomless unknown, that is glorious to behold in this amazingly wonderful life. Whilst living on this beautiful blue orb floating is space and time. To see the magic every single day. To be awake and aware that I am only limited by myself and my unwillingness to be the free beautiful soul that I was born to be. The poppet that I remember so well when I was so very young. To explore with gratitude, grace and pure love, the unlimitedness that is me and in that love seeing the beauty and unlimitedness that is you, from my soul to yours in loving reflection. Namaste.
Remember we are all unlimited and free to be exactly who we are and who we wish to be…..
Fly my beauties Fly!
Love to you all, you magical, wonderful beings of light,
Loz xxx
Coming Soon
Book 1 – Neon Mirrors
Neon Mirror is the first book in the adventures of the main character Ajana into a world of incredibly diverse and amazing multi-dimensional synchronised encounters. Full of wonderful charismatic passionate characters, physical, emotional and spiritual trials that create life challenging events. It is a tale of shadows, intrigue and exhilarating liaisons. Packed full of excitement, drama, love, laughter, loss, tears and fundamental inner growth and change.
The Trilogy is a metaphysical rabbit hole of quantum physics, secret societies, and powerful magik. All wrapped up in an evolving love story, full of lies, deceit, fun and dangerous passion, as we follow the journey of the evolving soul Ajana.
The plot twists and turns as Ajana learns who she really is, thus awakening the life that she was always mean to live. She learns how to fight the 'Tribal Mind' as seeps into the unconscious minds of all humanity and keeps them locked in servitude.
We explore the world of 828 with its two sun moons, dramatic climate and strange beings, as the gradual realization dawns and secrets are revealed.
Ajana‘s fight to stay awake and aware, it is crucial not just to her own fate, but to that of all beings of 828 and Earth.